学习笔记 : 使用 Travis CI 持续集成我的 Hexo 开源博客

Travis CI for beginner

The following content from : https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/for-beginners/

What Is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration is the practice of merging in small code changes
frequently - rather than merging in a large change at the end of a development
cycle. The goal is to build healthier software by developing and testing in smaller
increments. This is where Travis CI comes in.

As a continuous integration platform, Travis CI supports your development
process by automatically building and testing code changes, providing immediate
feedback on the success of the change. Travis CI can also automate other parts
of your development process by managing deployments and notifications.

CI Builds and Automation: Building, Testing, Deploying

When you run a build, Travis CI clones your GitHub repository into a brand-new
virtual environment, and carries out a series of tasks to build and test your
code. If one or more of those tasks fail, the build is considered
broken. If none of the tasks fail, the build is
considered passed and Travis CI can deploy your code
to a web server or application host.

CI builds can also automate other parts of your delivery workflow. This means
you can have jobs depend on each other with Build Stages,
set up notifications, prepare
deployments after builds and many other tasks.

Builds, Jobs, Stages and Phases

In the Travis CI documentation, some common words have specific meanings:

  • phase - the sequential steps
    of a job. For example, the install phase, comes before the script phase,
    which comes before the optional deploy phase.
  • job - an automated process that clones your repository into a virtual
    environment and then carries out a series of phases such as compiling your
    code, running tests, etc. A job fails, if the return code of the script phase
    is non-zero.
  • build - a group of jobs. For example, a build might have two jobs, each
    of which tests a project with a different version of a programming language.
    A build finishes when all of its jobs are finished.
  • stage - a group of jobs that run in parallel as part of a sequential build
    process composed of multiple stages.

Breaking the Build

The build is considered broken, when one or more of its jobs complete with a
state that is not passed:

  • errored - a command in the before_install, install, or before_script
    phase returned a non-zero exit code. The job stops immediately.
  • failed - a command in the script phase returned a non-zero exit code. The
    job continues to run until it completes.
  • canceled - a user cancels the job before it completes.

Our Common Builds Problems page is a good place
to start troubleshooting why your build is broken.

Infrastructure and Environment Notes

Travis CI offers a few different infrastructure environments, so you can select
the setup that suits your project best:

  • Ubuntu Linux - these Linux Ubuntu environments run inside full virtual machines, provide plenty of computational resources, and support the use of sudo, setuid, and setgid. Check out more information on the Ubuntu Linux Build Environment.
  • macOS - uses one of several versions of the macOS operating system. This environment is useful for building projects that require the macOS software, such as projects written in Swift. It is not a requirement to use the macOS environment, if you develop on a macOS machine. Here you can find more details on the macOS Build Environment.
  • Windows - currently Windows Server version 1803 is supported. If you want to know more about it, see the Windows Build Environment.

More details on our build environments are available in our CI Environment documentation.

🚀 Now that you’ve read the basics, head over to our Tutorial for details on setting up your first build! Travis CI User Documentaiton : https://docs.travis-ci.com/ and the open source address of docs: https://github.com/travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com

Continuous Ingration with my Hexo blog

将 Travis CI 持续集成到 Hexo blog 的基本步骤如下,详细信息请参考文章最下方的 Reference

  1. 创建 Travis CI 账户
  2. 生成并配置 Access Token
  3. 创建 .travis.yml 配置文件
  4. 发布新博客( 测试是否成功集成 Travis CI )

成功集成 Travis CI 后,往后每写完一篇博客文章后直接 pull 到远程仓库即可( 都已经集成 CI 了,就不要几篇几篇的一起 pull 啦~ ),既不需要再在本地执行将 Markdown 格式编写的博客文章生成 HTML 页面并部署到远程仓库的命令咯! 成功 pull 到远程仓库后,Travis CI 会先逐个测试你的 commit 是否会对 Hexo blog 运行环境造成影响,其后便尝试运行你所定义的脚本( hexo clean + hexo g + · · ·). . . 详情可参考我的 Travis CI 配置文件 : .travis.yml

Introduce my personal blog

时间如梭~ 自己现在都已经大三了. 大二时我才开始拥抱 GitHub,并使用 Hexo 加 Github 搭建了一个属于自己的静态博客网站,继而从此养成了写编程学习笔记的好习惯. 此项目包含了我大一到大三所有的编程学习笔记 : 真心希望自己的这些日常学习笔记,心得,及项目能够帮助一些同学提高学习效率!往后无论是读研,还是踏入社会后,我都会将她视为伴我成长的伙伴,一直维护着她,这一切的一切都是为了能够写出更加优美的代码哟~ https://github.com/YUbuntu0109/YUbuntu0109.github.io
