5 Habits of Very Successful People

From VOA Learning English,this is Health&Lifestyle report.

  • 欢迎收听VOA慢速英语健康及生活方式报道.

Having success and being able to meet one’s goals requires knowledge,a sense of direction,hard work and resources. Some people might add to that list luck,connections and perhaps a strong belief in yourself.

  • 获得成功以及达到某人的目标需要知识,方向感,努力付出和资源.一些人也许会将幸运,关系和自信加入其中.

We accomplish our goals one step at a time,doing a little each day. So,using your day effectively is important.

  • 我们一步步完成自己的目标,每天完成一点.所以高效率地过好每天很重要.

On many websites——from Forbes magazine and Fast Commpany to health and physical fitness sites——productivity experts share advice on how to achieve your career and life goals. Most of the experts agree on one thing: Starting your day on the right foot is most important.

  • 很多网站上,从福布斯杂志,快递公司到健康网站,专家都分享如何能够实现职业和生活目标的建议.很多专家都同意一点: 每一天开一个好头最重要.

Collected from these websites,here are five ideas on how to start your day off right.

  • 根据这些网站整理出五点,关于如何做到开门大吉.
  1. Get up an hour early.
  • 第一: 早起一小时.

People who get up early in the morning have a jump on the day. For starters,they’s awake! And some studies show that our willpower and attention span are strongest in the morning. In fact,the morning may be the most productive part of your day.

  • 早起的人们在那一天就已经领先一步.首先,他们已经清醒了.一些研究显示,我们的意志力和注意力在早上最集中.事实上,早晨可能是你一天当中效率最高的时候.

In American English,we like to say,”The early bird gets the worm.” Here,if you’re a bird,the worm is the reward. So,this expression means that people who rise up early have a head start and,therefore,are more likely to succeed.

  • 在美式英语中,我们喜欢说: “早起的鸟儿有虫吃.” 如果你是一只鸟,虫子就是你早起的回报.这个表达是指早起的人们捷足先登,因此更可能成功.

Inventor,philosopher and writer Benjamin Franklin would probably agree. Americans like to use Franklin’s memorable expressions. One of them is “Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.”

  • 发明家,哲学家及作家的本杰明·富兰克林可能会同意这一点.美国人喜欢引用富兰克林的经典语录.其中一条是: “早睡早起会让人聪明,富有及智慧.”

Of course,there are exceptions. People who are “night owls“ do their best work and their best thinking at night.

  • 当然也有例外.”夜猫子”型的人在晚上的工作效率最高.思维最活跃.
  1. Drink a glass of with lemon juice.
  • 第二: 喝一杯柠檬水.

While your coffee is being prepared or waiting for your tea water to heat up,drink a glass of water with lemon juice.

  • 当你在煮咖啡或蒸茶时,先喝一杯柠檬水.

Why? Health experts say that drinking a combination of lemon juice and water first thing in the morning jump-starts the body’s metabolism. Not only does it jump start your body’s cells,but this kind keeps them moving throughout the day.

  • 为什么呢? 健康专家表示,早上先喝一杯柠檬会激活身体的新陈代谢.不仅会激活你身体的细胞,还会让这些细胞整天保持运转.
  1. Don’t answer emial or jump into social media as soon as you get up.
  • 第三: 一起床不要先回邮件或查看社交媒体.

Your coffee or tea is ready. So,you decide to look at your email quickly or open up your Facebook account. Well,don’t. This is a great way to forget about the day ahead.

  • 你的咖啡或茶煮好了.你决定先快速浏览一遍邮件或打开你的社交账户.不要这么做.这会让你忘记这是全新的一天.

We’ve all done it. You see a Facebook post from a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. He is angry about some political issue and the heated discussion pulls you in. Before you know it,an hour has passed,you’re angry with lawmakers and it’s not even nine in the morning yet! You hurry out the door so as not to be later for work. This is not the best way to start your day.

  • 我们都这么做过.你看到很久不见的朋友发了一条状态.他对某个政治问题感到很气愤,然后拉你进入热烈的讨论.不知不觉中,一个小时过去了,你对立法者感到很生气,这时早上还不到九点.你为了避免上班迟到而急匆匆地冲出门外.这绝不是开启一天的最佳方式.
  1. Exercise !

Some people may disagree with this one. Exercising in the morning may not be for everyone. Some people like to exercise after work or at night.

  • 一些人可能不同意.在早上锻炼并不适合所有人.一些人喜欢下班后或晚上锻炼.

Physical fitness experts and trainers often suggest some form of exercise in the morning because the middle of the day is busy time for most people. By the day’end,you may not have the time or energy to exercise. How many times have you finished work and said to yourself. “I’m too tired to exercise! I’ll do it tomorrow.”

  • 健身专家和教练通常会建议在早上做一些形式的运动,因为白天对大多数人来说就是最繁忙的时候.白天结束后,你可能就没有时间或精力去运动了.有多少次你下班后告诉自己: “我太累了,不能再锻炼了,明天再去锻炼吧!”

Exercising in the morning prevents that from happening.

  • 在早上锻炼可以防止这一点.
  1. Think about your day…at night.
  • 第五,在晚上思考你白天做的事情.

Meditate,visualize——whatever you call it——take time at the day to think back on all the things that have happened. Give thanks,if you want. And spend a little time to think about tomorrow. Some people who talk about “living in the present” may criticize this. But it may help you to prepare if you take a few minutes to think about what you need to do the next day.

  • 冥想,思考——无论你将其称为什么—— 一天结束前花点时间想想今天发生过的事.感恩这一天.然后花点时间想想明天.一些坚持”活在当下”的人可能会批判这一点.但如果你能花几分钟想想第二天需要做些什么,可能会帮助你提前进行准备继而提高效率.

Also,know that your day will probably change. You probably won’t have time to do everything you planned. But that’s fine. If you did one thing, that means you are one step closer in reaching one of your goals. And if you follow this advise,at least you’ve already gotten your exercise out of the way !

  • 同时要知道,这一天也许会发生某些变化,你也许没有时间做完你所计划的所有的事,但这也没关系.如果你做完一件事,就离你完成这个目标近了一步.如果你遵循这些建议,至少你不会忘了锻炼.

And that’s the Health&Lifestyle report.
I’m Anna Matteo.


  1. willpowr (n) 意志力,毅力.
  2. perhaps (n) 假定,猜想.
  3. magazine (n) 杂志.
  4. productivity (n) 生产力,生产率,生产能力.
  5. willpower (n) 意志力,毅力.
  6. owl (n) 猫头鹰,惯于晚上活动的人.
  7. span (n) 跨度,跨距,范围.
  8. worm (n) 虫,蠕虫.
  9. inventor (n) 发明家,[专利]发明人.
  10. philosopher (n) 哲学家,哲人.
  11. lawmaker (n) 立法者.
  12. combination (n) 结合,组合.
  13. metabolism (n) [生理]新陈代谢.
  14. memorable (a) 显著的,难忘的,值得纪念的.
  15. political (a) 政治的,党派的.
  16. meditate (v) 考虑,计划,冥想.
  17. visualize (v) 形象,想像,设想.
  18. criticize (v) 批评,评论,苛求.