One Hour of Exercise a Day Fights Damage of Sitting

From VOA Learning English,this is Health&Lifestyle report.

When it comes to your health,it seems that sitting too much may be as bad for you as smoking.

  • 说到健康,久坐不起可能与抽烟一样对身体不利.

If you sit for many hours a day in a traditional office job,you may be interested in a new study. This study suggests that you should get an hour of “brisk exercise” every day.

  • 如果你从事传统办公室工作,每日都要坐几个小时,你可能会对一项新研究感兴趣.这项研究建议你每天都花一个小时做轻快运动.

Reasearchers says this brisk exercise can help offices workers reduce their risk of an early death. Many offices workers spend a large part of their time seated and physically inactive.

  • 研究人员表明,这样的轻快运动能够帮助上班族降低过早死亡的风险.很多上班族大部分时间都是坐着,没有过多行动.

A lack of physical activity is linked to some 5.3 million deaths worldwide each year. The researchers say that makes a sedentary lifestyle more deadly than smoking.

  • 全球每年530万例死亡都与缺乏体育锻炼有关.研究人员表示,久坐不动的生活方式比吸烟更致命.

The new report said that a sedentary lifestyle can cause many diseases,including heart disease,diabetes and even some cancers. These diseases cost the world economy $67.5 billion every year.

  • 最新的报道表明,静态的生活方式可能会导致很多疾病,其中包括心脏病,糖尿病,甚至是癌症.每年,全球在这些疾病上等的话费约有675美元.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise every week. In addition,CDC offcials advise adults to get an additional two hours of muscle strengthening per week.

  • 美国疾病预防与控制中心建议成年人每周做150分钟有氧运动.此外,疾病防治中心官员建议成年人每周花两个小时做肌肉训练.

Ulf Ekeslund is with the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences and the University of Cambridge. He was the lead writer of the report.

  • Elf Ekeslund同时在挪威体育学院以及剑桥大学任职.他是该报告的首席作者.

Ekelund says that “For many people who commute to work and have offices-based jobs,there is no way to escape sitting for prolonged periods of time.”

  • Ekelund表示: “对于乘车上下班到办公室的很多人来说,都无可避免在办公室久坐.”

He says he and the other reasearchers “cannot stress enough” the importance of getting exercise. Ekelund suggests going for a run in the morning,riding a bicycle to work,or taking a walk in the middle of the work day.

  • 他表示他和其他研究人员一直都在强调锻炼的重要性. Ekelund建议人们晨跑,骑车上班,并在午间散步.

An hour of physical activity is “ideal”,he adds. But if this is not possible,he suggests doing at least some exercise each day to reduce the risk of diease and an early death.

  • 每天锻炼一小时是理想的,他补充道.但如果不能做到这点,他建议人们每天至少做些运动以降低患病以及过早死亡的风险.

For the study,researchers looked at 13 earlier studies on the effect of inactivity. Study subjects were grouped according to the amount of activity they reported. The range of activity reported varied greatly——from less than 5 minutes a day to up 75 minutes a day.

  • 此项研究中,研究人员参考了13个不活动带来影响的早期案例.根据他们报告的活动量对研究对象进行了分组.报告说,活动量的幅度差别非常大,从每天至少5分钟到每天75分钟不等.

The study found that those who sat for eight hours a day,but got the suggested amount of exercise reduced their chances of dying at an early age.

  • 研究发现每天至少坐8小时,但按照建议做了适量运动的人降低了过早死亡的风险.

These people did better than those who sat less but were not active.

  • 与那些坐的时间少但不做运动的人相比,这些人的情况更好.

Ekelund says, “These has been a lot of concern about the health risks” linked “with today’s more sedentary lifestyle.” He says the message from his team is a positive one: it’s possible to reduce,or even eliminate these risks if we are active enough, “even without taking up sports or going to the gym.”

  • Ekelund表示,如今很多健康问题都与静态生活方式有关.他表示他们团队带来的信息是非常积极的: 我们有可能降低甚至消除这些风险,只要我们经常活动,即使不从事体育运动或不去健身房.

A report on the study appeared in the pulication Lancet.

I’m Anna Matteo.


  1. brisk (a) 轻快的.
  2. inactive (a) 不活跃的.
  3. sedentary (a) 久坐的,静坐的.
  4. moderate (a) 稳健的.
  5. aerobic (a) 需氧的.
  6. prolonged (a) 延长的,拖延的.
  7. varied (a) 多变的,各式各样的.
  8. diabetes (n) 糖尿病,多尿症.
  9. economy (n) 经济.
  10. prevention (n) 预防,阻止.
  11. strengthening (n) 加强,加固.
  12. period (n) 周期,期间.
  13. inactivity (n) 不活动,静止.
  14. lancet (n) [外科]柳叶刀.
  15. commute (v) 通勤.
  16. stress (v) 强调.


  1. taking up : 占用了,占用